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this is the i am getting fatter blog. the blog for people to bitch n discuss about those lorry tires we're getting everyday. basically the crew consist of:
and kongbakPAU


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to bust those fats!

+ Mates


back in time

December 2006
January 2007
September 2010

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

i can't believe it,
most of the times,
the only people at the tagboard talking are the ones who created the blog.

do you know how pathetic is that!

it means that NO ONE visits our blog,
and the tagboard is just a public-tisized conversation.

i think now no oneis going to talk about fats anymore.
because all we hav is complains for fats.
and seriously, fats are all not that interesting at all.
in fact, i think their dead boring.

u eat, ur calorie input is more that ur calorie output.
the excess calories are turned into fats to be stored in you body.
most of the time, when it gets stored at the stomach area,
it's called a spare tyre. aka. a white elephant.
but in the case of fats, i don't think it's a white elephant at all!
it's not at all decorative... i people actually boast on how BIG or how ROUND their spare tyre is?!
or do they have like a spare tyre look-alike contest?
to compare which big doughnut of fat looks most like their lorry tyres?!

i don't think so.

fats are boring,
their dead boring, as in the fact that are non-living organism.
they just sit around all they and play mean tricks on you.
like when you have a big date that night and they chose to appear that day.
that's just plain evil.
their as evil as a gooey fudge chocolat cake with ice-cream and a cherry on top,
on a i-am-going-to-diet day.

i hate fats.
and i loath calories even more.

i am so pathetic~

posted by-BUTTERcup

10:55 PM

noooo! it's the 13th of dec!
so unlucky.
then again, it's lucky that it's not a friday,
double the bad luck. . .
so ppl, don't start to diet today, it's UNLUCKY

but then again, if u have already an unluck day, i think it's alright to diet,
just don't choke on ur 13th salad.

the 13 unlucky thing that will make up the 13times unlucky day.
1.walking under a ladder to the kitchen to get a bar of chocolate containing 13 pieces

2.eating the bar of chocolate cotaining 13 pieces, then being guilty and pigging on another 12bars cotaining 13 pieces each.

3.walking 13x2 times under the ladder to get those other 12 bars of chocolate.

4.feeling sick with urself and going out for a walk to walk of the calories, u find out it's raining so u open a umbrella INSIDE before going out.

5. u open n close ur unbrella another 12 times because; u had to change ur shoes to flip-flops, u had to close the windows, then u were thirsty, u had to got to the toilet, u forgot ur key, someone called, u found ur pant's had a hole, finally realised the ladder was bad luck and put it back, thought after all u'd done should be worth enough calories *open close*sat down, though better of it and opened it again, realised it had a hole and changed another one and opened it before realising it wasn;\'t raning any more.

6. u finally got out and say the cat-lady next door holding 13 black kittens to be given out as she couldn't afford to keep them.

7. on ur way, u passed by a mac and went in cuz u couldn't resist the scent, ordered a pack of offer fries that cost $1.30

8.ate 13 fries before feeling sickned with urself for eating so much.

9.throwing the rest of it into bin no.13. u walked back, bus 13 ran into a puddle n u got splashed head to toe in dirty water.

11.u took the stairs in order to lose more calories but couldn't tahan when u reached the 13th floor.

12.u went up the rest of the way in the lift and took a shower, the shower broke down after 13 mins.

13. by then it was only 13mins past one o'clock in the afternoon. 13:13.

probably 13 seconds too.

*oi... kungbakPAU, if ur reading this, accept it leh.
**spare tyre/tire blog leh... be a MAN, man =S
posted by BUTTERcup =)

12:58 AM

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

yoyo!! eh BUTTERcup, sorry cant celebrate ur bdae with u.
owe u a pressie. lol.

wahlao i everyday eat slp watch tv play com.
sure gain 5kg at least.
im so doomed.
how to jian fei like that.
sooner or later i gonna become a big fat pig.

like this maybe >>

picture is drawn by SPARETYRE =D

inaFETs (:

9:45 AM

Sunday, December 10, 2006

lol, hey, i just realised smth.
i know this is the most absolutely lame-est and stupid-est thing i could ever say, but...

u know on the dashboards when there is not enough space for the whole blog name,
they would put the DotDotDots...
ya, so for this blog, it looks like this:

"i-am-getting-f... blog"

u are so dirty minded.
tsk tsk. . .

posted by-BUTTERcup

9:44 PM

BUTTERcup is here!


thank u thank u, just came back from my camp today.
in short, it was really fun and cool.
in long, well, you wouldn't want to know.

i think i lost some calories during camp *yae*


i gained them back the moment i got home *boo*
yup, i did.
i busted it on 3 pieces of yummy, chcolate-tyCHOCOLATE cake!
i feel so guilty now, ahhh!! , i dun wan look like i'm 9 mths pregnant!

all my 'hardwork' wasted. . .
chocolate cakes are EVIL.

remenber that ppl, that will be rule no.1 of the IAF blog.
now get out ur note pads/writing materials, a tatoo-ing machine will be ideal
and write/carve it down.

got that?
good. =)

i will get going now.

2:15 AM

Thursday, December 07, 2006

FATS FATS go away, DONT come again another day (:
i seriously hate my fats sticking out like there's no tmr.

ok. im done.

inafets (:

7:26 AM